

Safeguarding in the Irish Mission

I was appointed Designated safeguarding officer for Belfast church in Sept 2013 and I am into my 2nd three year term for Safeguarding officer for the Northern Irish mission churches. The BUC has given us guidelines to follow in...

7me Training Event Brings the Church Into the 21st Century

This past weekend on 20-21 May, the Secretariat and Treasury departments at the British Union Conference (BUC) collaborated in an exciting training event at Kents Hill Park Conference Centre near Milton Keynes. The event brought...

Reflections on Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad." Proverbs 12:25. The theme for Mental Health Awareness Week 2023, held 15-21 May,  focused on anxiety. In highlighting the topic, Mental Health...

Celebrating 160 Years of What Defines Us

This year, the #AdventistChurch will celebrate 160 years–and you’re invited! It was 160 years ago, two years into the American Civil War, 20 believers from churches around the Midwest and Northeast gathered in Battle Creek,...

BUC President Reflects On 2023 Ministerial Council

The British Union Conference (BUC) held 'Called for This!', its 2023 Ministerial Council from 28 April to 1 May in Hinckley, Leicestershire, for pastoral workers and their families. Under the leadership of Pastor Sam Ouadjo, BUC...

The Coronation: It Was Worship, Not Theatre

"I come not to be served but to serve." He waited long for this moment and is the 40th and oldest monarch to be crowned king. "We welcome you in the name of the King of Kings", said Samuel Strachan, age 14, at the commencement of...