

Irish Mission Day of Fellowship, 2 June 2018

Irish Mission Day of Fellowship, 2 June 2018

DublinWeiers Coetser

Sabbath, 2 June 2018, will definitely count as one of the highlights of the year in the Irish Mission. Members from churches around Ireland and Northern Ireland gathered for a day of fellowship in a rented church building on the outskirts of Dublin.

Dr. Alan Parker, accomplished speaker and lecturer at Southern Adventist University gave the sermon and keynote presentation for the day.

Various other speakers also took the the stage to share their experiences from around Ireland. Pastor Andrew Willis from the Adventist Discovery centre told of different ways in which the Discovery Centre could contribute to the work in Ireland.

Pastor Richard Daly, communications director of the British Union Conference spoke about different news event around the British Union. He also spoke about Fake News and gave some helpful guidelines to help Adventists to spot fake news and stop spreading it.

It was not only a day for adults. The children and youth had special activities that they could participate in as well. A collection of photos are available below to help you relive the event.

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