

Reopening of Cork and Newmarket-on-Fergus churches

Reopening of Cork and Newmarket-on-Fergus churches

Dan Serb

Sabbath, 11 July, was an important landmark in the Irish Mission where, within the context of the COVID-19 special measures, two churches reopened: Cork and Newmarket-on-Fergus within the Irish Mission.

Mission President, Pastor Dan Serb, reports on his visit to Cork for their reopening:

"The church leadership has taken all necessary measures to ensure that the church experience was both uplifting and safe. All safety controls were in place with a rota/schedule ensuring that members and families would be able to attend church while also adhering to the limited numbers required by law.

There was a muted sense of excitement and some nervousness as we all acknowledged the unnatural way of worshiping where masks covered our smiles and Christian courtesy limited to a head nod or elbow bump.

The children were 'present' with a pre-recorded special musical item while most of them were watching the service, together with their families, online.

Local minister, Pastor Lorance Johnson, preached a timely message from Matthew 25:40 - "It is critical that we discern the still, small voice of God when He impresses our hearts to help others".

Overall, it was a blessed and refreshing Sabbath which gave us all some hope of a return to 'normal' church worship and fellowship. 

We thank both churches for their hard and responsible work in ensuring the safety and wellbeing (both spiritual and physical) of their congregants. We still have a long way to go (across the Mission) and we advise prudence and thorough preparation as we practice faith rather than presumption in our Christian walk."

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