

ACS Cork Serving in Times of COVID-19

ACS Cork Serving in Times of COVID-19

We were trying to figure out how to help homeless people in this difficult time. Especially with social distancing, complete lock down and possibility to go out only 2km outside of your house... Quite challenging!

CorkHelena Kunova

February... March... these months seem to be quite far in the past now. However, for the Adventist Community Services in Cork, Sunday 22 March was our day dedicated to go and help in our usual capacity at Penny Dinners. The last time we were there was six weeks previously on Sunday 9February, but shortly after, the whole world changed. With the arrival of COVID-19, our lives and daily routines altered dramatically and we had to adopt new rules.

During the pandemic we thought of ways to help the homeless people in this difficult time. However, with so many restrictions on social distancing and then a complete lockdown, it posed quite a challenging task. How can one help if you are in lockdown and you know there are people out there in need of assistance? We made several calls to different community organisations and to our partners in Cork, namely, Penny Dinner' and Focus Ireland. Both came back requesting food, sleeping bags, and even bikes. So, we started to mobilise the church, whilst respecting all the regulations and found a way to still help those in need within our community.

We have received a great response from our church members who helped by sending money, toiletries, and food donations. The Penny Dinners and Focus Ireland staff were so delighted and they provided us with great feedback.

Our Lord is our mighty God. He sent us to the right place at the right time. We now plan to continue with the deliveries throughout the lockdown period. The best part of this adventure is that word is spreading about our church and what we are doing. It shows that if you allow God to use you, He surely will.

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