

Death of Elizabeth (Vicky) Ivy May Murphy

Death of Elizabeth (Vicky) Ivy May Murphy

BUC SecretariatJacques Venter

We were saddened to learn of the death of Elizabeth Murphy (née Malin) on 24 March 2020.

Elizabeth was born on 8 December 1952 in Birmingham to George and Rainbow Malin. Elizabeth spent her childhood and youth in Birmingham, participating regularly in church youth events. It was through these youth events that she met and later married Pastor Curtis Murphy on 3 June, 1973. Their union brought about three children: Adam, Lydia and Abigail.

After completing her studies, Elizabeth began her employment within the British Union Conference (BUC) in 1989 as Nursery Teacher for Harper Bell School. She later became a teacher for the Primary School and in 1996 took on the role of Deputy Head Teacher. In 2001 Elizabeth and Curtis moved to Ireland where Elizabeth served as Secretary to Curtis who was elected as Irish Mission President.

After serving in Ireland they returned to the North of England, where Elizabeth continued as teacher until 2010.

Elizabeth will be remembered for her kind spirit. She was strong and modelled love to her children and grandchildren.

We now look forward with her family, to Christ's soon return and that glorious resurrection day. Please pray for the family as they navigate the funeral plans during this difficult period.

Jacques Venter (BUC Associate Executive Secretary)

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