

Women’s Day of Fellowship in the Irish Mission

Women’s Day of Fellowship in the Irish Mission

Lydia Kanagaraj, Women's Ministries Sponsor

On the 23rd of March, 2024, the Ormonde Hotel in Kilkenny, Ireland, became a beacon of unity and celebration as the Irish Mission Women's Ministries hosted an enriching Day of Fellowship. This highly anticipated event brought together approximately 80 women from all corners of the country, underlining a sense of community and spiritual kinship. The day unfolded with a well-curated program that commenced with heartfelt music and an opening prayer, setting the tone for a day of reflection, learning, and connection. The attendees were treated to a series of engaging activities, including a thought-provoking panel discussion for sabbath school, and an inspiring sermon that undoubtedly left a lasting impression on all.

From the moving Sabbath School to the closing remarks, each segment, including a 'Garden of Prayer' and songs of worship, was intended to resonate with and uplift the participants. A special moment of community was the lunch, which not only allowed for physical nourishment but also provided a time for fellowship and the sharing of personal testimonies. It was a day marked by spiritual enrichment and the reaffirmation to empower women within the church.

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