


The Irish Mission President oversees the work of the Seventh-day Adventist church around the island of Ireland. Find out more about the President's role on this departmental page.

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Executive Secretary

Executive Secretary

The vitaly important service arm of church administration overseeing human resources, policies, legislative compliance, membership matters and much more.

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We are stewards of a faithful people. Operating at the heart of the Seventh-day Adventist Church our purpose is to encourage people to live in harmony with the enduring life of Jesus Christ.

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Communication and Media

Communication and Media

What is Christian mission if it is not about communicating the good news of the Gospel in way that will draw people closer to God? We can communicate more effectively if we give the process of communication some thought and do some simple things.

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Faith is much more than a system of belief. It permeates our lives at every level with a sense of wellbeing and wholeness. The Health department provides resources to help us nurture our lives by making life-giving choices on a daily basis.

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Empowering every believing soul to embrace this wonderful means of communicating with our Lord.

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Trust Services

Trust Services

The Trust Services department offers a will-making service to church members.

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Adventurers and Pathfinders

Adventurers and Pathfinders

Adventurer and Pathfinder clubs provide children and young people with excellent opportunities for holistic development within a Christian community.

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The Church is a young church and there are plenty of opportunities for leadership. Events are organised for and by young people to give expression to the living faith that give meaning to our lives.

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Men’s Ministries

Men’s Ministries

What is Christian mission if it is not about communicating the good news of the Gospel in way that will draw people closer to God? We can communicate more effectively if we give the process of communication some thought and do some simple things.

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Irish Mission Pastors and families at BUC Pastors Retreat, May 2019

Irish Mission Pastors and families at BUC Pastors Retreat, May 2019
A photo of Irish Mission pastors and their families taken at the British Union Conference Pastoral Retreat, May 2019.

  • The Church serves the community through local congregations spread across the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
  • Departments support the work of local churches by providing resources, services and guidance in specialised areas.
  • Departmental sponsors are made up of a selection of pastors and lay members.
  • They are elected every three years at an Irish Mission Session.
  • As a small entity we also receive departmental support from the British Union Conference departments.